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Сonfectionery producing lines

Automatic modular flow-line for zephyr (marshmallow) producing

Automatic modular flow-line for two-coloured zephyr (marshmallow) producing

Equipment for the production of aerated zephyr (marshmallow)

Automated line for chocolate coating of confectionery
Confectionery masses preparation systems

Acid, Color and Flavor Automatic Mixing and Dosing System АК-0950

Automatic Modular System for Zephyr Mass Preparation
Depositing machines

Dual-coloured Zephyr Depositor (depositing onto conveyor belt)

Depositor with Stacker for Whipped Mass Depositing onto Biscuits АК-0907.01

Automated Zephyr Depositing Machine АК-0902 (piston-type)

Automated Piston-type Depositor for Dual-colored Zephyr AK-0904
Machines for chocolate enrobing and decoration

Automatic Enrobing Machine with Recycling Unit AK-0961

Automatic Machine for Decorating of Confectionery with Chocolate Coating AK-0962
Mixing and aerating systems

Automatic Aerating and Mixing System АК-0934/АК-0934.01

Multipurpose Beating Machine (Mixer) for Confectionery Industry

Horizontal Mixing and Beating Machine for Zephyr Mass АК-0931.01

Twisted Mixer for Production of Different Color Masses AK-0937
Cooling tunnels
Technological equipment for confectionery production

Unit for Preparation of Egg Products and Dried Milk Solutions AK-0951

Equipment for Pectin Dissolving (pectin dissolver) AK-1260

Melting Device for Confectionery Fats and Chocolate Coatings AK-1272
Equipment for marshmallow "Akmalko Engineering" "Relative" of pastille - marshmallow - was invented more than a hundred years ago. And at first glance, since that time, little has changed in the production technology of this product. But, speaking about the segment itself, experts note that it has significantly expanded and grown, and to date, a high level of competition among Russian manufacturers. From the point of view of the market demand, the marshmallow is stable and unchanged today. Many companies solve the problems of high competition by expanding the range and developing marshmallow recipes that other confectionery factories do not have. And yet, the most important competitive advantage of any confectionery factory in such conditions is the trust of consumers in the brand. Which appears only in the event that the manufacturer offers marshmallows of impeccable quality. Equipment for marshmallow "Akmalko Engineering" is constantly being improved so that a factory working on our equipment should improve its products. Modular cooking areas for marshmallow mass are the most important step on the way to modernization of production. After all, the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the mass. And the automated equipment for mass production of marshmallow allows not only to stabilize all technological processes, but also to improve the quality control system.