

Tests of the aerating complex "Akmalko Engineering" on the curd mass

Akmalko Engineering experts have run the internal test of aerating system to get aerated curds. Some design features of the main mixer’s mechanism were changed, as well as system electronic program. This has made it possible to provide the correct working algorithm for purposes of this product type.

The test run was successful, and we get light fluffy curds for producing airy curd desserts with different additives. The mass structure was even and soft, without curd grains.

We also have got soft curd mass with little air incorporation. The most famous product made of such mass is creamy cheese “Almette”. This kind of creamy cheese can be produced with different spicy builders, garlic and herb.

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Испытания аэрирующего комплекса "Акмалько Инжиниринг" на творожной массе